Progress has been a slow go this past week. I truly thought I'd be better than this by now. My doctor said to continue the upper doses of hydrocortisone for a few more days and then back off slowly. I can't tell you how fatigued I am. It's not a normal fatigue or exhaustion. It's more like some kind of mega-vaccuum is sucking the life out of me.
I spoke with my Lyme friend today. Sierra Integrative Medical Center gave her life back to her. Not only did it put her back on her feet, but she is on a steady incline of good health. She does have to go back once in a while for a "clean up" treatment, where they just clean out the bad stuff building up in her body in order to keep her immune system strong. This is not a mandatory thing, but she said most people opt to do it because it strengthens them each time. She had Chronic Ebstein Barr and went back for a treatment for that. (She also gives herself ozonation shots when she gets ill.) They call those treatments "tweaks." The initial treatment is 4-6 weeks of living out there and going through intense homeopathic therapy.
At this point, we don't know that it's something we can do, but I'm going to continue looking into it. There's as much bad said about the clinic as good. I don't know why. I don't know if some people are responsive to this type of treatment and others are not, I just don't know. I know my doctor has confidence in it and that speaks very highly of the clinic and their treatment in my opinion. He would never endorse something if he weren't convinced.
I also know that Randy Travis was treated for Lyme Disease at Sierra. After going all over the USA to find a cure for losing his voice (his voice specialists couldn't find anything wrong with his throat or vocal cords) and other things caused by his illness. Now, he's back to doing everything he loves doing. He goes back every year for preventive care which he says protects his health.
Moving on...
Thankfully, my LDN - low dose Naltrexone, is helping the pain and inflamation. The pain med I had before took the edge off the pain, but then the pain only increased after I had been on it for a while. The LDN has enabled me to go off that med and still feel some relief. Granted, it only makes the pain more tolerable...most of the time, but at least it's working and with no side effects.
It's amazing how you can become accustomed to a way of living. It's all you know and you don't realize how bad things get at times. The past two months have been a time of renewing awareness for us.
Thank you for your prayers and support. It always does my heart good to receive messages of concern, love, and prayer support.
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