Spring In The Air Puts a Spring In My Step

The long, hard winter finally left. Spring arrived a little late, but I'm just thankful it's finally here. Sunshine and warmer temperatures are definately better for us Lymies than the cold winter.

I'm happy to report improvement in my health from the last update:

The enzymes I'm taking seem to be helping. Many symptoms have subsided. The chronic cough, heartburn, feeling of stones in my stomach and esophagus, etc. are much better. I'm still swollen, bloated, and sore inside, but I don't imagine that will go away anytime soon.

Addison's Disease:
Stabilized, I've finally been able to return to my regular dosage of hydrocortisone. Though, on more active days, I've discovered I need to take extra doses.

The LDN has definately improved my pain level. It not only inabled me to go off my anti-inflammatory, it decreased my pain to a more manageable level, as well.

Sleeping seems to be hit and miss. Some nights I sleep very well. Other nights, I lay there wide awake for hours before I'm able to drift off to la-la land.

I'm apparently still having some sinus trouble. I've been "snoring" off and on. I've never snored up until the last six months. The weird thing is, it's not a normal snore. It's a very strange noise. I know this because John recorded me one night. :D It's not strictly nasal. It's seems to be a combination of nasal and vocal, and very loud.

Atypical Migraines:
I still have rounds of migraines, but I think I'm picking up on a pattern with them. Nattokinase seems to help some, but other than that there's not really anything I can do about them for now, except medicate and endure them. Thankfully, I can usually keep them under control well enough to function somewhat.

Fatigue still comes and goes at will. I just take it as it comes and get the rest I need when I need it - at least as much as life allows me to.

Neurological Symptoms:
I still have nerve issues. There are so many different kinds. There's the fire in my skin and soft tissue. Yet, I still feel somewhat numb. When I get cut or burned, it doesn't hurt as much as I know it should. Many times, I don't even know I've hurt myself until seconds, minutes, or even hours later. Sometimes, I don't have a clue as to how I received an injury.

Muscle spasms still come and go. I also have what I call involuntary jerking. There's no control over these and I never know they're coming. They just happen. A leg will jerk, an arm, a part of my back, a foot, a shoulder, etc. These are coming more and more frequently. Unlike restless leg syndrome, it happens anytime, day or night.

Spring Fever:
I admit, I do have Spring fever. I just want to get outside and work in my yard and watch my spring flowers grow - which I've done a few days this week and am now paying for it. I am so sore! I try to not over-do, but I get going on a project and I feel like I just have to finish it. Well, it finished me for now. Time to just enjoy watching the flowers grow and ignore the weeds growing up beside them. They'll still be there when the soreness is gone.

I'm sure there's more I can update you on, but that's enough for now. I'm growing tired and my hand, wrist, and arm are still hurting from pulling weeds yesterday.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. The Lord hears you and I pray He blesses you only as He can.

Love and blessings,



AngBreidenbach said...

I am constantly surprised at how many people suffer from Lyme's Disease. It's so under diagnosed. I'll mention your blog to my friend Lisa Buffaloe and my other friend, Kelly, for her daughter.

I hope for healing for you, but know this is a long road.

Linnette Mullin said...

Thanks, Angela!

"Blessing" by Laura Story