More Lyme Complications.

This post is to document my symtpoms. You're welcome to read and even comment, but I warn you that it's not a pleasant post. It's simply a list of various pains and other symptoms at this time. Hopefully, I'll find a doctor locally who can  help me through this.

Things are getting worse. Slowly, but steadily. They are always worse at night. I can't even lay down without a headache/migraine coming on. Most of the time my entire skull feels like its in a vise-grip with the migraine adding to the pain (it seems to be bringing on my TMJ pain again). The Advil only takes the edge off - 800 mgs at a time. The migraine med works for the most part, but I get that awful aching/neuro sensation throughout my body. The more the pain drains from my head, the worse the aching/nearo sensations get in my body. It leaves me weak, shaky, and so stiff feeling that sometimes I just want to cry. Sometimes, eating will calm the shaking a bit, but it doesn't take care of it completely or for long.

I get out of breath very easily - just walking across the room. I've only had a few episodes of light-headedness, but one a few days ago made me dizzy for a good 30 seconds before it settled to wooziness. I had to hold on to the counter to keep from tipping to the floor.

My chest walls hurt and feel heavy, my throat swells off and on. My neck, shoulders, and base of my skull are increasing in pain. Sometimes, I get this burning deep inside my head that almost feels like a sinus infection, only deeper, further back in my head. My sinuses hurt in different places, too, and my eyes burn.

My elbows and knees (especially my right knee) have been bothering me. My elbows are so weak that it hurts to pull laundry up out of the dryer and I'm almost too weak to do it. Laundry is usually one of my more enjoyable chores, but even folding clothes causes aching, tiresome pain.

I'm tired, but I don't sleep well and wake up early morning with some degree of a headache - usually bad. I'm running a low grade fever off and on. I'ts only 99, but its enough to make the inside of my head hurt worse. My eyeballs get so sore when the headache is bad that I can hardly stand it - my vision gets blurry, as well. When my throat swells and hurts, it travels as far as my ears - nearly unbearable when the pain is at high intensity. My nose becomes congested on and on, too, making it difficult to breath. My throat dries out quickly when I can't breath through my nose and gets really sore and scratchy.

I'm so weak right now that I can barely walk or even stand. Garrison coming up and hugging me causes my knees to want to buckle. My leg and thigh muscles are also starting to pull tight - almost like when you haven't used them in a while. I sit a lot, but I also get up a lot. My limbs fall asleep easily - I can't hardly find a position to put my arms in when I sleep that won't cause them to fall asleep.

I'm back on the enzymes. I started buying them a week at a time. I still haven't called the insurance company. I haven't had the energy to deal with it, but I need to. My pancreatitis is acting up. I've lost nearly ten pounds (not that I miss the weight) and have difficulty eating due to either nausea or pain or both. I've also developed sharp pains in the pit of my stomach and wonder if the meds are hurting it.

I have small muscle twitches now and then in my fingers, leg, arm...but that's been going on for the past year or more. It has slowly increased over the course of the year, but it doesn't seem to be major, yet.

I'm truly so very tired of dealing with this. Sometimes I think the pain will send me over the edge. If it didn't fluctuate in intensity and give me brief reprieves, I don't think I could stand it. I nearly had John take me to ER this morning. If the migraine med hadn't helped, I probably would have. But I don't like ER doctors. They're trained for trauma and tend to scoff at my complaints.

My husband suggested that I might go back home so my doctor can hook me up with the right specialists - ones he trusts. I told him we would try here first. I'd have to take my 5 year old with me and find someone to keep us since missionaries are occupying our house. Plus, I'm not sure I could make that trip right now...flying or driving. But, I will do that if I don't feel like I'm getting the help I need. I have a high tolerance level, but I really am about at my limit.

If you've read this entire thing, you're either a very curious person or someone who really cares. Either way, thanks for taking time to listen.

1 comment:

greenleaf said...

I feel so bad that you are suffering this way. i was diagnosed with lyme 8 years go and have watched myself deteriorate in that time. the pin is now my hands and feet lower back. blurry vision, many symptoms. no one knows, except fellow lyme sufferers, what life is like for us. Doctors disagree, but our misery goes on. my life has changed dramatically, s the quality of it dwindles. My prayers are with you..i hope for some purpose to come from this. Hang on.

"Blessing" by Laura Story