OVER THE EDGE - Coming May 1st!

MUST READ! Seatbelt Suspense Author Brandilyn Collins' novel, "Over the Edge," will be out May 1st. You can pre-order your own copy at a special price.

Here's the back cover blurb:

Janessa McNeil’s husband, Dr. Brock McNeil, a researcher and professor at Stanford University's Department of Medicine, specializes in tick-borne diseases—especially Lyme. For years he has insisted that chronic Lyme disease doesn't exist. Even as patients across the country are getting sicker, the committee Brock chairs is about to announce its latest findings—which will further seal the door shut for Lyme treatment.

One embittered man sets out to prove Dr. McNeil wrong by giving him a close-up view of the very disease he denies. The man infects Janessa with Lyme, then states his demand: convince her husband to publicly reverse his stand on Lyme—or their young daughter will be next.

But Janessa's marriage is already rocky. She's so sick she can hardly move or think. And her husband denies she has Lyme at all.

“Welcome to the Lyme wars,” Janessa.

Click to read the prologue to "Over The Edge."

~Linnette R Mullin

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